Your poem and words really resonated with me. I’ve been living with fatigue for a few years now - it doesn’t quite fit ME/CFS but impacts my daily life. Most days I try and stay cheerful, but I do need grump days too. I find just crying and letting out the grief and painful emotions helps - gives me a release. I’m then able to appreciate the quiet slow moments more. Though I really miss the energy I once had. I do envy others my age being able to do so much more. I hope your vision problems improve. It must be scary and hard when it happens. I hope you get the frog made.

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Thank you so much. I’m resting lots and the eyesight is improving slowly but surely, eventually that frog will get made, and I will post about it.

I’m sorry you have unending fatigue, it’s a right pain in the proverbial. I most miss walking in the countryside with my husband and I have to live vicariously through his exploits and photos. My 95 yr old MIL quite often has more energy than me.

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I’m glad your eyesight is slowly improving. Fatigue is very annoying and hard to explain to others. It is hard when you can’t do what you love. On good days I manage short local walks in nature, but miss the longer walks and runs I use to do. I’m always amazed at how much more some older relatives in my family can do. It never seems to quite make sense.

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