Sending you as much positivity as I can to help, for whatever it is worth.

Incidentally I think the way in which you express these waves through the poems structure is quite brilliant - I really get that sense of the surges and it hammers home just how devistatingly incapacitating that must be for you.

All the best..

P.S. More positive vibes I found in my pocket!

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Aw thank you. I am appreciative, especially of the xtra pocket vibes

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May 28Liked by Tamsin Chennell

Ach, so sorry you've been in the deeps. Spent time this morning contemplating pain as it rolled through my skull. Again. And how much it sucks when pain invades your dreams, stealing what should be some respite, some oblivion. Now that meds have it at bay, it's hard even for me to understand how/why it is so overwhelming and all-powerful, but it is. It forces its way to the front of the line and knocks over everything else. It's a bully, is what it is.

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You are right, it is a bully. I’m sorry your head was bad. Hopefully we will both feel better soon.

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I am always glad... and surprised... when pain (and other symptoms) don't follow me into my dreams. Hope your pain abates soon.

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Thank you. Some nights I have dreams where I am healthy, but the waking aftermath of those are sad. I’m pilled up to the eyeballs now and relatively fine now.

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Oh, I saw the same reply posted twice so I deleted one. Just for tidiness sake.

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