May 19Liked by Tamsin Chennell

As part of my learning about a (long) lifetime with undiagnosed ADHD, and my attempts not to arrive in London totally overwhelmed at the end of a long day on the trains (we live in Aberystwyth!), I decided to try NOT to engage with anyone and everyone for the WHOLE journey on Friday!!

I managed (the girls who asked about my crochet initiated the conversation, so that doesn't count, right!?). And did feel better than often when I hit Euston...but I mourn all the conversations I COULD have had 😏

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Oh yes, crochet conversations definitely don’t count. I could ramble on about those for ages. Aberystwyth to London is a hell of a long journey, do you do that daily?

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May 19Liked by Tamsin Chennell

Jeez, no, it takes six hours! Just visiting my son for the weekend, and taking in a bit of art n stuff too

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I thought it would be too long for a daily commute but had to ask. We used to live in mid Powys so understand the distances as our eldest lives in London. Art and stuff sounds SO good to do.

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May 19Liked by Tamsin Chennell

Yesterday we went to Tate Britain to see the new exhibition of women artists, through the ages.

I don't come very often - too far, too noisy, too bright 😎

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