Apr 4Liked by Tamsin Chennell

I can relate. I’d have to take a couple breaths at the end of each sentence, reading my little ones bedtime stories. The Drs said my bloods were fine and that was the end of that. 😂

There’s a lot of co/morbidites with autism that are stroll not generally recognised. Would you say you were hyper mobile? Painful joints? Bloating? Digestive issues?

I’ve been working on my pesky Mast cells and anti-histamine protocols. And stress it’s always about stress!

Today I still crash but more than not I can do fairly robust days…I’m back to massaging my clients. I did 4 back to back which was silly and wiped me out but still, huge progress.

Just message me if you want to chat about this. No this is not a sales pitch. 😆💖💖💖

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Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ I am pleased it’s not a sales pitch and the offer is reciprocated . I’ll message rather than typing in public.

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Apr 1Liked by Tamsin Chennell

I'm so sorry you had that experience! What an insensitive person your friend was being that day. Perhaps they were having a bad day, too. (Or not. Might just be how they are--in which case, good information to have!)

I can relate to so much of what you've written here, although I think I am not as far along as you are in acceptance/understanding. Migraines have put limitations on my relationships for years, but since falling in November and getting a TBI, I'm in much deeper. I'm having a hard time even knowing what my limits are now, and I'm realizing how uncomfortable I am with telling friends/family there are things I can't do. Thank you for helping me remember I'm far from alone in dealing with these feelings and situations.

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Thank you for sharing. Acceptance takes a long time, and I still have days I rail against it all. I hope you have some decent days and find your peace.

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Also a wobbler. Sorry about the friendship. Wish more people understood the risk we take pushing like that. I use a cane chair... I am far too sick at this point to risk overdoing by walking more than my body can safely handle. I am 34 years.. and wish I had been more careful in the earlier years.

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I pushed through in the early years too, and that’s, I’m sure, why I am as bad as I am now,but it’s also what the drs and clinics were telling me to do.

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Apr 1Liked by Tamsin Chennell

Fellow wobbler here!! Totally relate... Feel free to wobble into me anytime!! 😉 It's all just so complicated isn't it, I wish more people understood, but I also wish I had the confidence to speak up and slow down, even when using my stick, and not try to keep up and walk further than I intend to... Its that fear of not being believed thanks to all the medical gaslighting I think!! Keep on 😊

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It takes a lot to advocate for ourself doesn’t it? I hate using the stick but I have to if I’m going to protect myself. Much as I hate how it makes me look to others if I reframe it as my safety rather than my illness it helps.

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Apr 1Liked by Tamsin Chennell

Definitely, took me a while to accept using one but it does make me feel safer than when I don't!

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